Servant’s Heart Wraps Up Successful Year Of Giving

COVID-19 created an unprecedented amount of need in our community in 2020, and Servant’s Heart of Mint Hill rose to the challenge, helping more families in need than ever before.

Servant’s Heart gave out a whopping total of $401,631.10 in aid to the community in 2020.  The community impact of that number can’t be overstated: nearly $402K provided 1838 services that impacted 6709 individuals.  “It’s pretty amazing,” says Servant’s Heart Founder and Executive Director Kim Rhodarmer.  “It’s a big number to have given out in one year, especially since we’re only four years old!”

Rhodarmer points to Servant’s Heart’s Food and Non-food pantries as a particular point of pride.  This year, Servant’s Heart helped 868 people in the community with over $18K of product from its Emergency Food Pantry, a small food pantry stocked with nonperishable items meant to supplement families in need while they await a visit to a full food pantry.  Servant’s Heart was able to distribute an additional $53K of product through Loaves & Fishes as well as over $41K of product from their Non-food pantry, a unique resource stocked with 25 specific items that people use on a daily or weekly basis - like toilet paper, shampoo and deodorant - that food stamps do not cover.

Another huge success this year for Servant’s Heart was its BillPay Assistance Program.  Launched in July of 2019, the program assists those in need with past due electric bills and disconnection notices before disconnection occurs.  Thanks in large part to a $175K grant from Mecklenburg County to assist local families coping with the negative economic effects of COVID-19, Servant’s Heart was able to give out close to $189K last year to assist clients in need with bills.

Rhodarmer fears that the need for BillPay Assistance will continue to be great in 2021, but the same funds may not be available.  “COVID funds to support organizations like Servant’s Heart may be very limited if they exist at all in 2021,” says Rhodarmer.

To continue to fund BillPay Assistance, Rhodarmer is encouraging Mint Hill’s citizens to consider one or more $10 “LifeNet” sponsorships.  “The ask is that people will commit $10 every month to this specific program, which will purchase one LifeNet,” says Rhodarmer.  “We need commitments for 300 LifeNets allowing Servant’s Heart to have a pool of about $120k for 2021 to help people with BillPay assistance.”  The 12-month commitment can be paid at one time ($120) or monthly ($10).

Servant’s Heart capped off a remarkable year of giving with a successful fifth year of Christmas Assistance.  “Christmas was very exciting for us as it is every year,” says Rhodarmer.  “This year we actually gave out more toys and clothes than we’ve ever given out.  We were able to help 413 children have Christmas this year.”  $12K of the total $37,355 given out for Christmas was gift cards given in $75 increments to parents with children age 13 through college. 

Many charitable organizations see an increase in donations surrounding the holidays and a sharp drop off in giving during the winter months of the new year.  The holidays may be over, but the spirit of giving need not end.  For more information about how you can help your neighbors through Servant’s Heart, visit and click the “Donation” tab, or email or call Kim Rhodarmer at or (704) 680-6533. 

Article Written by: Mary Beth Foster


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